In my opinion, there are many types of how war evolved from the past to present. One of the most significant one would be the lethality of war. In the past, the only weapons used were the guns and probably swords as the technology is not advanced. Thus the number of deaths were very few as people were mostly killed one by one with those weapons and only a small group of people could be killed at most. But technology is more advanced now. Nowadays every country has its own military vehicles and weaponry which can cause mass destruction, especially nuclear and atomic bombs. They can easily take away the lives of a thousand people once droped to the ground at a level. This is worrying for the people whenever there is a war between countries as there is a higner chance of them getting killed. For example, in World War I, the total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 37.5 million. There were 16.5 million deaths and 21 million wounded making it the 6th deadliest conflict in human history. But in World War II, over 60 million people were killed. Casualties include deaths caused by strategic bombing, Holocaust victims, Japanese war crimes, population transfers in the Soviet Union, other War Crimes and deaths due to war related famine and disease. So most of the deaths can be said to be caused by advanced weapons and bombs.
Also, the war has also become more inactive nowadays compared to the past. In order to conquer a certain land, or fight for the rights of the land, the countries, especially those with a strong militray force, will disagree on matters with other countries and it will slowly lead to a war. The country who wins will have the final say in everything. So you can see, war is becoming more inactive nowadays, compared to the past where wars were started because they want to discover new land and conquer it to make good usage of land. The people over there had to rebel and of course wars were started. As time passes, countries are beginning to develop and the lives of the people are becoming more hectic. They have better things to do than to start a war. Thus, war did not happen too often in the present. Furthermore, nowadays land can be easily reclaimed more usage due to the advance in technology.
There were more unnecesary wars in the past compared to the present because the government nowadays knoew how to handle problems well. In the past, governemnt's either were too corrupted or had false accounts of problems that led to disputes. It was just a shame that more wars in the past started when they should not have. There was simply a no need to. An example would be The War of 1812, the Mexican American War, and the Spanish War of 1898 which Americans fought in the 19th century. In the 19th century, Americans fought these three unnecessary wars, each motivated by expansionist interests yet initiated through dubious and exaggerated claims. The War of 1812 resulted from the efforts of Congressional “War Hawks” like Henry Clay to “take Canada.” In 1846 President Polk, an ardent expansionist with an eye for the vast territories controlled by Mexico, fabricated reasons for a war resolution. Finally, in 1898, James McKinley took the nation to war against Spain on the basis of false reports. Thus, war really has evolved in many ways from the past to present.
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